Peter Henry Todd

  • Creator
  • Writer
Peter Henry Todd

Peter is an incredibly talented young comedy writer and TV show creator based in Bristol. At just 25 he’s written a wide number of TV comedy scripts and is being considered currently by the BBC's Comedy and Radio departments with a US production company looking at his shiny-floor gameshow, cooking-based gameshow, and a comedy panel-based show project. Talks are underway with three separate production companies all interested in his radio-based comedy panel projects with varying themes.

His sharp eye for life observations bring daily drudgery alive with humour and clever wit. Peter has joined aeh management exclusively, as a budding script writer, and is enjoying working hard to fully realise his wide writing ambitions.

Peter's busy and imaginative brain and out of the box creationary writing is available for ideas and writing input for a wide range of genres and we welcome any initial enquiry as to how he may be able to contribute to your project.

To book or enquire further about Peter Henry Todd please
Contact AEH

+44 790 5310027

AEH Artist Management
London, UK


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